Monday, August 6, 2007

Declaration on Ninth Anniversary of Multi-Party Democratic Election

NCGUB Declaration on Ninth Anniversary of Multi-Party Democratic Election

1. The people of Burma, after suffering the repression under the rule of one-party dictatorship of the Burma Socialist Program Party (BSPP) for 26 years, rose up as one in 1988 and staged a nation-wide movement for democracy. The massive uprising led to the downfall of the BSPP and the people came within reach of democracy. Not desirous of this, the military, the puppet of the BSPP, shot down the people and seized state power on September 18, 1988.

2. The military junta, after seizing the state power, issued Notification No. (1/88) with the following terms: (a) To establish the rule of law and security; (b) To maintain secure and smooth travel; (c) To make utmost effort for easing the livelihood of the people and helping the private cooperatives to function effectively; (d) To hold a multi-party democratic general election, after achieving the above objectives. The notification further said that "in order to perform the task of holding multi-party democratic general election successfully, the current Multi-party Democratic General Election Commission shall be maintained further. Parties which will practice true democracy may start preparations so that they may be ready at the time of the general election." Chairman of the SLORC, General Saw Maung, signed the notification.

3. Subsequently, the Multi-party Democratic General Election Commission issued the Political Party Registration Law. In accordance with the law, 235 political parties were given recognition. The Political Party Registration Law designated a political party as an organization that accepted and practiced true multi-party democratic system and stipulated that only the political parties, which had been recognized in accordance with this law, could stand in the election. However, at the time of election, only 93 parties were allowed to stand in the election. Under various pretexts, such as the inability of the party to field candidates in 3 electoral constituencies, for having connection with the BCP, voluntary withdrawal etc. the Commission disqualified 142 parties.

4. On May 27, 1990 the SLORC military junta held the multi-party democratic general election. In the election, there were 2209 candidates, representing political parties, and 87 independents, forming a total of 2296 candidates. Balloting was successfully carried out in 485 constituencies out of a total of 492. Out of 20,818,313 eligible voters, who had attained the age of 18 years, 15,112,524 voted. The voting public as well as the election candidates believed that a parliament and a political system based on multi-party democracy would emerge, as a result of the election.

5. Since Article (3), in Chapter 2, of the People's Parliament Election Law provides that " the Parliament shall be formed of members of parliament elected in accordance with this law," and Article (2) (f) defines that " Member of Parliament is the person elected to the Parliament," and Article (2) (a) defines that " Parliament is the People's Parliament," and Article (2) (d) defines Election as " the Multi-Party Democratic General Election." The May 1990 election was an election held for the formation of a parliament representing the people, and it was a promise to convert to the practice of a political system based on multi-party democracy.

6. It has now been 9 years that leaders of the military junta have blatantly ignored the election result and broken their words repeated several times at interviews with the domestic and international Media, the promises made to the people on several occasions, and articles of the Election Law. This period is well over two regular terms of the parliament.

7. The negative impact upon the people, caused by failure of the military to realize the election result, and the rule of force and coercion imposed by it is as follows: (a) Economy: As a result of mismanagement by the generals who have no knowledge of economics, the economy of the country is becoming increasing worse, the rate of inflation has increased rapidly, prices of commodities have risen to a new high, consumer goods are becoming scarce, the foreign exchange reserve has dwindled progressively, the inability to service debt adequately has forced foreign companies to cease operation in the country and the growing deficit in foreign trade have together pushed the country to the verge of bankruptcy. (b) Social Situation: As the economic hardship has increased, there is an increase in the number of children abandoned by the parents, an increase in reliance on unsystematic abortion methods have increased the fatality of young mothers and infants and there is an increase of waif and stray in urban areas. In the two urban centers of Rangoon and Mandalay alone, there are reportedly more than 70,000 waif and stray youths. Unbelievably, the evidence of moral degeneration can be seen everywhere and child prostitution is on the rise day by day. (c) Health Situation: For the cure of common ailments, an injection would cost from 180 to 200 Kyat. There is no medicine at the government hospitals and clinics. In case of hospitalization, the patient has to buy, with his own money, such common items as bandages, cotton wool, spirit etc. Hospitals severely lack equipment and instruments used in surgery or in the laboratory. The program for health education are inadequate or below standard, the education regarding AIDS, which could wipe out large sections of the population, cannot be done on a nation-wide scale and there is no laboratory at blood banks in the districts, to test blood for HIV virus. (d) Education Situation: In the 11 years of military rule, there have been only 2 years and 4 months of learning at the universities. Up to now, universities cannot be reopened. There are more than 1,000 students in jails and some students have been sentenced to death or long-term imprisonment. The standard of education has fallen to a very low level, and an educational certificate can be bought without difficulty. The value of education has dropped, as there has been widespread bribery and corruption in the field of education. (e) Law and Order Situation: The SPDC military junta has been ruling the country arbitrarily, without a constitution, by issuing orders and notifications, as the situation may suit it. The military holds all the sovereign powers pertaining to the executive, legislature and judiciary, and the military officers are above the law. The judicial pillar has tilted sharply because of the prevalence of summary trials where the accused is not allowed any form of defense, sentences disproportionate to the offence and compliance with the whims of the military officers. Not only those who have money but also those who committed greater offence usually win the case, in the court of law. The common people, instead of enjoying the protection of law, are suffering under the oppressive law. The entire machinery of state administration has become the tool of repression of the people. (f) Foreign Affairs: In the era of the SPDC, it is the prestige of the country that has suffered enormously. There is an increase in the number of people who do not want to sit at the same table as the SPDC officials. The SPDC has to continue to bear the indignity of trade sanctions and the refusal of entry visa by many countries. Acceptance of the SPDC in the membership has caused the ASEAN to face the possibility of tarnishing its own image seriously. Countries, which associate themselves with the SPDC, have been plagued with crises. As there is an increase in the number of countries, which do not want even to have a casual friendship with the SPDC, it has to grovel at the feet of a big neighbor, for friendship, to the extent of harming the honor of the country. Burma, which at one time held its own, internationally, as a founding member of the non-aligned movement, has fallen in prominence to the level of nothingness. All these serve as evidence of the dismal failure of the SPDC in the arena of foreign relations. (g) Armed Forces Situation: In the 1988 uprising of the people, the military brutally crushed it with guns, in cold blood, littering the streets with thousands of dead bodies. In the border areas, the SPDC troops are looting, killing, raping women and burning down villages, on a wide scale. As no action is taken against these perpetrators of serious crimes, the SPDC troops are becoming bolder in their acts of crimes and atrocities. The military, which at one time bore a good name, has lost all respect and honor among the people, due to the systematic spoiling of it by the BSPP, SLORC and now by the SPDC. As the brutality, destruction and depravity of the military are colossal acts of shame among the people of the world, they have caused irreparable damage to the honor of the country and national heritage.

8. Ignoring the results of May 1990 election has caused the negative effects, mentioned above. Instead of materializing the election result, the SPDC currently is jailing and torturing, in some cases to the point of death, the NLD members and elected NLD members of parliament, who had won 82 percent of the seats, in the election. The country has suffered immensely because of more than 10 years of rule by force. The country will suffer more than ever, if the rule by force is continued. On the other hand, the people should notice that if they wait until the time when the military would take pity on them, the country would be turned to ashes.

9. In order to change the bad situation, it is urgently necessary for the people's parliament to come into being. We should make the emergence of the people's parliament our most important task. In order to fulfil this task, the Committee Representing the People's Parliament was formed with the approval of NLD, MNLD, ANLD, SNLD etc., the political parties that had won seats in the election. This Committee has been endeavoring for the establishment of democratic political system desired by the people. Currently, it is making the effort for the abolishment of the repressive laws for the substitution of them with laws protecting the people. It is also trying for the emergence of the people's parliament at the earliest date. It is important for the people to support and assist the Committee Representing the People's Parliament.

10. We, the NCGUB, pledge to struggle on for the termination of the military dictatorship, for the establishment of democracy and genuine federal union, and for the restoration of high honor to the country. We also pledge to struggle on, together with the people, for achievement of security of life, human dignity, amity and security of livelihood for the people. For the achievement of these objectives, at the earliest date, the support and participation of the people is vitally necessary. Therefore, we earnestly urge the people to join in the struggle and cooperate with us actively, so that we may reach the goal of democracy earnestly yearned for by the entire people.

May 27, 1999

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