Sydney Declaration (2003)
Special Meeting of the
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma
and Members of Parliament Union - Burma
6-8 July 2003
Sydney, Australia
Members of the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma and the Members of Parliament Union-Burma elected in the 27 May 1990 general election held a meeting in Sydney 6-8 July 2003:
Reaffirm that the Tabayin Incident on 30 May was a premeditated attack to eliminate the leadership of the democracy movement ordered by Senior General Than Shwe, chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), and members of the SPDC,
Hold Senior General Than Shwe, patron of the rogue organization responsible for orchestrating the ambush, the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA), and other USDA executives, who are also members of the SPDC and SPDC Cabinet, fully responsible for unleashing of state terrorism against unarmed political leaders and democracy activists,
Reiterate that Senior General Than Shwe and top leaders of the SPDC, who are resortingto violence and confrontation, are the main stumbling block to national reconciliation and democratization in Burma, and
Urge the international community to be wary of SPDC leaders' propaganda and diplomatic drive aimed at justifying murder and unleashing of state terrorism against the NLD and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
In this regard, we, the representatives elected by the people of Burma:
- Encourage the UN Secretary General Office and Special Envoy Ambassador Tan Sri Razali Ismail to continue their efforts for national reconciliation in Burma and urge all governments to bring the case of Burma to the United Nations Security Council and facilitate the democratization process in Burma,
- Urge all governments that have taken unilateral and multilateral punitive measures against the Burmese military junta to impose sanctions and import bans and to bring Burma issue to the UN Security Council,
- Profoundly thank all governments, institutions, organizations, and individuals who have called for the unconditional release of all detained leaders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and for the immediate resumption of dialogue for national reconciliation in Burma,
- Deeply appreciate the European Union, Nordic and Scandinavian countries, the United States, and other nations that have imposed visa restrictions and other punitive measures against the Burmese military junta,
- Deeply appreciate the Japanese Government's withholding of Official Development Assistance to the Burmese generals and urge it to continue withholding it until a transparent, accountable, and responsible government of national reconciliation is in place,
- Appreciate and commend ASEAN countries which have expressed concern over the detention of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other leaders, called for their release and for resumption of national reconciliation process in Burma, and supported the initiatives by UN Special Envoy Razali Ismail,
- Appeal to ASEAN countries to play an even greater and active role in helping resolve problems associated with national reconciliation in Burma,
- Appreciate the Australian Government for suspending human rights trainings in Burma which the SPDC has been using for propaganda purposes only and request it to comply with the calls by the Burmese communities in Australia for punitive action against the Burmese military junta, - Urge neighboring countries to act responsibly and fully support and cooperate with the UN Special Envoy in his endeavors to bring about national reconciliation in the interests of regional peace and stability,
- Deeply appreciate the Australian Trade Unions, the Burmese Community in Australia, and the Australian people for making this meeting possible and for their warm and cordial hospitality, friendship, and support,
- Appreciate and encourage Burmese students, democracy organizations, Burma support groups, and Burmese activists and patriots who have come together in unity at the Second International Burmese Students Conference in Sydney 4-7 July 2003 to unanimously express their desire for the quick restoration of democracy and human rights in Burma,
- Pledge our firm commitment to increase cooperation with all overseas trade unions, democracy organizations, Burma support groups, students, Burmese activists and patriots, and international institutions until democracy is restored in our country,
- Firmly pledge to work even more closely with all ethnic nationality forces and democracy organizations engaging in the struggle for ethnic rights, democracy and human rights in Burma,
- Reaffirm our determination to seek the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, other detained NLD leaders and members, and other political leaders, and to continue working for democracy in accordance with guiding principles set by the NLD leadership,
- Share the grief of families of people who had died in the brutal, premeditated attack near Tabayin on 30 May 2003,
- Express firm solidarity with the people of Burma who, despite the hardships and oppression, continue to strive for democracy,
- Pledge firm solidarity with all elected representatives in Burma who are continuing to play leading political roles,
- Appreciate and encourage Burma support groups worldwide for their divestment, consumer boycott, and shareholder campaigns in support of the Burmese people and the democracy movement,
- Appreciate the trade unions, employers, and governments for their role at International Labor Organization conferences to stop forced labor practices and ensure freedom of association in Burma, and
- Strongly reaffirm our commitment to continue the struggle until the goal of the democracy movement, which is nothing less than to restore democracy to Burma, is attained
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